HA&L, ( www.HALmagazine.com ), is an online journal that explores the ethos of a place and reaches out to other places. Featuring the best poetry, prose, and art documentation from the region and beyond. Hamilton Arts & Letters (ISSN 1916-8454) is designed for the Internet by Fiona Kinsella and Peter Stevens. Edited by Paul Lisson. Supported by the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario, Canada. Subscriptions are free by emailing HALmagazine@gmail.com
Current & past contributors: Peter Abbot . Milton Acorn . Wayne Allan . Michael Allgoewer . Joseph Anderson . Debra Antoncic . Jason Avery . Martha Baillie . Julie Berry . Bibliothèque et Archives Canada . Ferdinado Bilanzola . Vikram Bondai . King Biscuit Boy . David Brace . Stephen Broomer . Frank Buchwald . Jim Burant . Judi Burgess . Catherine Carmichael . Tings Chak . Jim Chambers . David Cohen . David Collier . Daniel Coleman . Sally Cooper . Anna Cox . Jeff Crouch . Paul Cvetich . Aileen Depaul . James Deahl . Susan Dobson . Lalie Douglas . Pat Eaves . Bruce Elder . Linda Fallon of Shakespeare & Company, Paris . Judith Fitzgerald . Conrad Furey . Meghan M. Garr . Bart Gazzola . Cees & Annerie van Gemerden . Tim Gibbons . Eliza Griffiths . Regina Haggo . Iris Häussler . Donna Ibing . Bryce Kanbara . Peter Karuna . Frank Kerr . John Kinsella . Sara Knelman . Irena Komandinic . Karen Krzyzewski . Travis Kurowski . Richard Landon . Dorothee Lang . JonArno Lawson . Norma West Linder . Samara Leibner . Tor Lukasik Foss . Harriet Lye . Jeff Mahoney . Mr. Harry Marshall of Mount Hope . Robert Mason . Mark Mavrinac . Jessica McCarrel . Ian McLean . Anna J. McIntyre . Jane McQuitty . Sebastian Mendes . Caroline Moran . Kåthe von Nagy . Kim Neudorf . Richard Newell, 1944-2003 . Robert Oldham . Simon Orpana . Rui Pimenta . J. S. Porter . Bryan Prince . Andrea Rabinovitch . Sima Rabinowitz . Robert Rankin . Greg Rennick . Simon Richards . Jim Riley . Samuel Isaac Robinson . Paul Ropel-Morski . Edward Roper . Bernadette Rule . Jeff Seffinga . Lee Sharkey . William Simpson . Endre Szkárosi . Ryan Szulc . Hakan Temuçin . John Terpstra . Priscila Uppal . Stephanie Vegh . Frankie Venom . f.ward . George Wallace . Jackie Washington . John C. Weaver . Wim Wenders . Robert Clark Yates .