Individual Work

Lexcavator is an 8-bit arcade puzzle game involving letters that can be connected horizontally, vertically, and diagonally to create words that must be a minimum of three characters. The game is reminiscent of Tetris, Dig Dug, and Scrabble because of both the design choices and how the game plays. Players must connect words to dig deeper into the board and have the opportunity to create more words. There are three game modes available: Arcade, Time Trial, and Quest Mode. There is no larger meaning behind the game besides the appreciation one can garner by playing the game. It is a skill-based, strategic puzzle with levels that cannot be winnable. Players can only finish the Quest mode or beat their previous scores. At one point, players could compare their scores to a global network of other players, however, this function no longer works. There is also a “Lexcellence”, a page dedicated to all of a player's best words used in all their games. The words that make it to “Lexcellence” depend on how uncommon a word is and the length or complexity of a word.

This entry was produced for a class, Digital Literature, at the University of New Hampshire taught by Melinda White, 2023



Very interesting work! Would love to hear more about the difference between word games and e-literature (if there is one!).